Materials and equipment
I will provide you every tool and material: we will weave on our small, adjustable frame loom, using lots of beautiful, colorful, natural yarn. There's an opportunity to buy the loom on a discounted price after the workshop, so that you can experiment further at home.
Snacks and drinks will be provided as well 🙂
Other important notes
Please note that the maximum number of attendants is 7 people, so that I can help and pay attention to everyone.
Please note that this workshop is for adults. Children can attend one of my "Mother-daughter/son" workshops. Also, I am open to private workshops as well, for adults or children (birthdays for example), in my home or yours - feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Workshop participants can buy our Weave it Yourself! DIY kits with a 15% discount. If you would like to purchase, please send me an e-mail prior the workshop so I can prepare one for you 🙂
I can't wait to meet you!
PS. Cancellation policy
The workshop can not be cancelled within 3 days prior the start. You can send someone else in your place if you'd like to.
Please note that the minimum number of participants is 4 persons - if this number is less 48 hours prior the workshop, I can cancel it.
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